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Capsular Contracture Repair in Santa Monica

Capsular Contracture Repair in Santa Monica

Capsular contracture results from a soft tissue reaction at the interface between the breast tissue and a breast implant. In severe cases, capsular contracture can cause pain, inflammation, displacement of a breast implant, and even rupture of the implant shell.
If you have saline or silicone breast implants and suspect that you may have breast capsular contracture, a physical examination with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian can help you determine whether there is a hidden rupture or capsular contracture.
Treatments begin with an ultrasound of the breasts followed by options for capsulectomy, capsulotomy, or complete breast implant removal. Once the capsular contracture is removed, there is still a finite risk of recurrence that may impact your decision to replace the implants. Options include textured breast implants, alloderm placement, and medications.
Please call the office of Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian to discuss your options for capsular contracture repair in Santa Monica and Beverly Hills. Our dedicated support staff can help answer your questions and schedule an appointment for you.