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Septorhinoplasty vs. Septoplasty in Santa Monica

Nose surgery can take on many forms, depending on whether the goal of surgery is to correct the cosmetic appearance of the nose (rhinoplasty); improve breathing (septoplasty); or both (septorhinoplasty).
A septoplasty or septorhinoplasty is performed by Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian to improve the passage of air through the nose, thus improving breathing. Improvements in nasal airflow can be attained by correcting a deviated septum, releasing any structural adhesions between the septum and the nostril mucosa, widening the bony arch of the nasal bones, or releasing any turbinate obstruction.
The nostrils provide the entrance to the nose and allow for unobstructed flow of air through the breathing passages. As a result of injury or development, the turbinates or septum can obstruct the normal passage of air. Dr. Karamanoukian is an expert in septoplasty and can help reduce the non-allergic obstruction within the nasal passages by performing a septoplasty or septorhinoplasty.
During a septorhinoplasty, the goals of surgery include the following:
  • Straightening a crooked or deviated septum
  • Improving asymmetry of the nose that can lead to obstruction
  • Increasing the width of the nasal bridge and arch
  • Straightening the nose
  • Reinforcing a droopy nasal tip
  • Reducing nasal collapse during inspiration
  • Releasing scar tissue within the nasal mucosa
For questions regarding a septorhinoplasty or septoplasty in Santa Monica, please call (310) 998-5533 to speak to the patient care coordinators at Kare Plastic Surgery + Skin Health Center. Our specialists will be able to answer your questions about treatment.