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Tummy Tuck Revision in Santa Monica

Tummy Tuck Scar Revision Santa Monica

A tummy tuck procedure may require an incision along the lower bikini line in order to remove extra skin. The incision usually corresponds to a C-section scar but may be extended towards the hips in patients with excessive skin in the lower abdomen.
In some cases, these tummy tuck scars can become hypertrophic, widened, inflamed, and distorted, leading to an unsightly appearance when exposed. Poor scarring along the tummy tuck line can be caused by poor surgical technique, genetic factors leading to poor scarring, wound dehiscence, and keloid formation.
Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian is a specialist in tummy tuck revision surgery to correct poor scarring. His techniques involve a combination approach that may include laser therapy, Nanofractional RF, RF, scar modulation, injection of corticosteroids, surgical scar revision, and topical scar therapy.
During your consultation, Dr. Karamanoukian will determine if your scar revision procedure is surgical or non-surgical and will carefully formulate a scar revision plan that minimizes recovery. Most patients do not require additional surgery to correct their tummy tuck or belly button scars.
Schedule a consultation for tummy tuck revision surgery in Santa Monica with Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian by calling (310) 998-5533.