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Lipedema Specialist in Los Aangeles

Lipedema is a fatty disorder characterized by abnormal fatty deposits within the subcutaneous layer of the skin in the trunk area of the body‘s midsection as well as the lower extremity. Unlike obesity related fatty deposits, lipedema is characterized by symptomatic fatty tissue deposition associated with inflammation and discomfort.
The Fat Disorders Resource Society recommends conservative management as a first line therapy for lipedema. Patients who have symptomatic pain and discomfort within the fatty tissue should seek the expertise of a board-certified surgeon with expertise in lymphatic medicine as well as plastic surgery. Dr. Rafiq Karamanoukian is a surgical specialist with double board certification who can address potential treatment options for lipedema in Los Angeles.
Lipedema patients may benefit from liposuction as a surgical treatment to reduce fatty deposits and improve symptomatic pain and discomfort within fatty tissue. It is quite possible that the liposuction treatment can address pain and inflammation symptoms within the body based on clinical accounts by actual lipedema patients.
Tumescent technique, when combined with skin tightening can yield satisfactory cosmetic and medical results that are sustainable and long lasting. One such technique is fibrous release combined with water Assisted liposuction using tumescent technique.
In Santa Monica and Beverly Hills, Dr. Karamanoukian and his team of board-certified surgeons can help improve your symptoms and reduce the overall physical burden of lipedema fat good candidates undergo a comprehensive medical examination and clearance For surgery.
If you have questions about lipedema treatments in Los Angeles and wish to schedule a consultation with our two board-certified surgeon’s, please call 310-998-5533 to discuss options for treatment.