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Liposuction of the Thighs in Santa Monica

If you’ve developed excess fat in the inner or outer thighs, you may be a candidate for newer liposuction techniques that employs small incisions and quick recovery.  The inner thighs and hips often remain full even after weight loss, diet, and exercise.  It is thought that these areas accumulate fat in a disproportionate pattern as a result of genetically programmed differences in metabolic fat cell activity.  This makes the inner and outer thighs particularly resistant to normal diet and exercise.
Newer liposuction options such as mini-liposuction or laser liposuction can help eliminate those unwanted areas of fat without significant recovery or downtime. Mini liposuction employs small incisions that are placed in well-hidden areas of the inner or outer thighs.  These small incisions are then used to unwanted fat. 
By using small cannulas and mini-liposuction techniques, the areas retain their natural shape and the skin is allowed to retract.  Additionally, patients with poor skin laxity and resiliency may benefit from ancillary skin tightening procedures such as Thermage, YAG, skin tightening, Exilis Elite, or Ulthera.  The benefits of mini-liposuction plus laser tightening are many, including the ability to retract skin and remove fat in unison.
Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian is an expert in liposuction surgery is a double board-certified plastic surgeon.  He employs less-invasive techniques that can minimize scarring and minimize recovery.  During your consultation, he can help you create a custom-tailored treatment regimen that employs liposuction, laser tightening, and metabolic restriction to improve fat contours on the hips and thighs.