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Hymen Repair in Los Angeles

Hymen Repair in Los Angeles

Hymen repair surgery is usually performed to reconstruct the hymenal tissue that separates the outer vulva from the vaginal canal. There are cultural reasons to reconstruct the hymen in adult women and this can be placed into context when evaluating a patient for hymenoplasty. Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian is a leading specialist in hymen reconstruction in Los Angeles and offers the treatment as an outpatient surgical procedure. 

Reconstruction of the hymen in adult females involves the repair of mucosal tissue flaps leading to the vaginal canal. Once repaired, the hymen limits penetrance into the vaginal canal until intimacy is initiated. Hymen reconstruction and repair has limited downtime and requires minimal follow-up after surgery. For travelling patients, Kare Plastic Surgery can accomodate your travel plans.

Vaginoplasty techniques offered by our top plastic surgery center in Los Angeles include labiaplasty, ThermiVA non surgical labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, and pubic liposuction.