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Postmenopausal Labia Majora Atrophy

The labia majora can atrophy as a result of age and post-menopausal changes. Treatments for labia majora atrophy and wrinkling have focused on volume enhancements with fillers or fat grafting. Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian, a plastic surgeon in Santa Monica, has developed an advanced protocol that combines Sculptra injections with ThermiVA RF treatments to tighten the labia majora skin and enhance volume with collagen-stimulating Sculptra injections. 

ThermiVA is a revolutionary RF tightening treatment that can stimulate collagen production in the labia majora and vaginal canal. At Kare Plastic Surgery + Skin Health Center in Santa Monica, ThermiVA is used to enhance the tightness of the labia majora, labia minora, and vaginal canal. 

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian by calling our office at (310) 998-5533.