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Breast Lift and Revision Breast Lift in Santa Monica

One of the most requested cosmetic surgeries in the United States is a breastlift, performed on women of childbearing age who have noticed a gradual descent and looseness of the breasts. A breastlift is performed to tighten the breast skin, remove stretch marks, lift the nipples, and improve breast volume and cleavage.

A breastlift procedure is often referred to as a mastopexy and can dramatically improve self-confidence and breast contour in women. Although breastlifts are very common in women after pregnancy, there are also many reasons why younger women may choose to undergo a breastlift procedure for cosmetic reasons.

Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian at Kare Plastic Surgery + Skin Health Center in Santa Monica is a specialist in short-scar breastlifts that are combined with laser therapy to improve breast volume and shape. The goal of a short-scar breastlift is to minimize surgical incisions and maximize youthful volume and shape of the breasts. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Karamanoukian can combine a breast lift procedure with breast implants to improve breast volume at the same time.

If you have already undergone a breastlift procedure and are unhappy with the surgical results, Dr. Karamanoukian can perform a revision breastlift in order to minimize scarring and improve the perkiness of your breasts. A revision breastlift is usually performed under general anesthesia and can help you regain your youthful confidence.