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Kare Plastic Surgery: Ultherapy for the neck in Santa Monica

Ultherapy has revolutionized the concept of noninvasive skin tightening for the chin and neck areas in patients who do not wish to undergo a surgical neck lift. The areas of the lower face and neck including the jowls and pre-jowl areas are prone to skin laxity and drooping with age.

Our Santa Monica Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Dermatology Center specializes in the use of Ultherapy to tighten and tone the lower face and jawline. We utilize the Ultherapy system to stimulate collagen production deep within the supporting Stratus of the chin area, jawline, and neck.

Ultherapy is non-invasive and does not require surgical intervention. Patients see immediate results with improvement seen on a continuous basis 6 to 8 weeks after the procedure. And Ultherapy treatment is an ideal option for those patients who want a natural looking improvement in the chin and jaw line areas. 

Once the treatment is finished, there is minimal downtime or redness within the skin. Patients are advised to continue normal activity thereafter and to take collagen and vitamin C supplements to further enhance collagen stimulation. Our plastic surgery office utilizes the most advanced ultherapy system for our patients.

When seeking an Ultherapy treatment, We suggest that patients complement their procedure with noninvasive Botox injections and dermal fillers to further accentuate results.

For more information about Ultherapy in Santa Monica, visit our medical spa located on Montana Avenue or schedule a consultation for all therapy by calling 310-998-5533.