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Dermagen Silicone Removal in Los Angeles


Silicone polymers, PMMA, and Dermagen Mineral Oil have been used for decades as soft tissue volume fillers for the face and body. Unfortunately, a subset of patients develop granulomas, soft tissue reaction, inflammation, and infections related to these fillers. Injections in the face and body may develop reactions early after injection or late thereafter. Patients may even develop hardening of the tissue months or years after an injection, during periods of stress, or periods with an impaired immune system after a flu or severe illness.

Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian is a specialist in Dermagen removal, which requires special expertise to remove the non-viscous mineral oil from the soft tissue. Injections into the dermis or in cosmetically-sensitive areas are difficult and may be impossible without the development of scarring. Our office specializes in the removal of foreign material fillers routinely and can provide you with options to reconstruct the defects with fat transfer if necessary. It is important to help reduce symptoms such as pain, discomfort, itching, burning, tissue necrosis, and skin changes early to prevent longterm complications.

If you are suffering from Dermagen or Silicone polymer injections and need treatment, Dr. Karamanoukian can help you develop a treatment protocol that may include surgery, injections, immune modulation, or allergy therapy. We work alongside specialists in Beverly Hills an Santa Monica to give you a longterm prospective plan.


Schedule an appointment with Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian to discuss your options for silicone oil or Dermagen removal in Los Angeles. Our office can help improve your symptoms and manage your soft tissue reaction. Learn more about our options.