Deeply indented acne scars can dramatically change the appearance of your face, resulting in uneven skin contour and topography. The different types of acne scars that occur with deep cystic acne include ice-pick scars, valley scars, atrophic scars, boxcar scars, and indented scars.
Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian at Kare Plastic Surgery specializes in the management and correction of deep acne scars using a combination of lasers, radiofrequency, acne surgery, sublation, TCA Cross, chemical peels, and skin resurfacing. The combination of skin resurfacing with acne surgery, subcision, and fibrous release can reinvigorate your skin and improve acne scar contour.

One of the newest approaches to acne treatment includes Venus Viva, which uses Nanofractional RF to tighten the skin and stimulate collagen growth. In doing so, Venus Viva can improve deeply indented and atrophic acne scars so that they appear more uniformly contoured with the skin. Treatments take minutes to perform and require minimal downtime when compared with traditional fractional laser resurfacing.
Learn more about acne scarring treatments with Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian by calling our office and scheduling a consultation for trreatment.