ThermiVa Expert Los Angeles - Mommy Makeover


ThermiVA is an excellent non-invasive and non-surgical treatment to rejuvenate and tighten the vaginal canal and labia minora without pain or downtime. Unlike a labiaplasty or vaginoplasty which require surgery, the ThermiVA RF treatment takes about 30 to 45 minutes and tightens the collagen soft tissue of the vagina, labia minora, and labia majora. ThermiVA is a no-downtime treatment that can be used effectively as a mommy-makeover procedure.


Childbirth can change the vaginal canal, clitoral hood, and labia minora; making the mucosa and soft tissue thin with increased laxity. Although vaginal rejuvenation with surgery is popular, many women wish to pursue a less invasive route first. The ThermiVA treatment provides immediate improvement in tissue tightness with additional improvement seen over 4 to 6 weeks. The procedure can also be used for bladder laxity and leakage in patients who have exertional stress placed on the upper vaginal vault.

In terms of intimacy, patients who have undergone ThermiVA report an improvement in vaginal tightness, vaginal moisture, and sensibility. ThermiVA enhances mucosal thickness, leading to a natural improvement in vaginal moisture to help improve intimacy.


  • SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT OR EVALUATION (310) 998-5533: Our female Physician-Assistant in knowledgeable about ThermiVA and can evaluate you in a private, professional, and non-pressured setting. 
  • SURGERY VS. THERMIVA VS. LABIAPLASTY VS. VAGINOPLASTY: ThermiVA provides enormous benefits over surgery and can help improve tightness, tone, mucosal lubrication, and sensation.
  • VAGINAL CANAL VS. LABIA MINORA VS. LABIA MAJORA: All of these areas can be corrected with the ThermiVA procedure.